Google knows how your community is moving around

The "coronavirus breeze-free zone" has been confirmed to be Taiwan and Mongolia. South Korea has seen a surge in park visits since the Covid-19 incident. This is based on Google's analysis of changes in the movement of 131 countries around the world. On Thursday, Google released a "Covid-19 Mobile Report" based on location data for Android mobile device users worldwide ( The report compared the population movement average between Jan. 3 and Feb. 6 to the population movement between March 27-29. The locations were divided into six categories: retail, entertainment, food, pharmacy, park, transportation, transfer station, workplace, etc. You can see how much social distance is being achieved by country and region. Changes in movement to Korea before and after Corona virus outbreak. There have been fewer retail visits and more visits to food stores and parks. South Korea saw a 19 percent drop in visi...