LG Electronics, Tromm dryer Steam ThinQ

LG Electronics said that its Tromm dryer Steam ThinQ, which was released in early March, accounted for half of its dryers' total sales.

Steam products, which accounted for 30 percent of LG's dryers sales right after its launch on April 5, are gaining huge popularity, exceeding half in March's three to four weeks.
LG Tromm Dryer Steam ThinkQ
LG Electronics picked "Truce Team" as the key to the popularity of Steam ThinQ. The patented Truss team technology not only steals and sterilizes at a temperature of 100 degrees, but also helps ease wrinkles. This technology is also applied to existing LG Electronics household appliances such as styler and dishwasher.

Three "steam specialized courses" of the new Steam ThinQ product also help keep clothes and beds pleasant in addition to wet laundry drying. The Korea Research Institute (KATRI) exam showed that the three steam specialized courses remove 99 percent of the odor of the van from cloth, including sweat and smell, and 99.99 percent of the harmful bacteria, yellow-polygur, green-pneumonia, and pneumonia.

The steam refresh course reduces the smell and relieves light creases without washing small amounts of clothes like shirts separately. The bedspread course can be deodorized without washing blankets and removes house dust mites. The padding refresh course reduces the smell of padding clothing, which is often difficult to wash, and also restores the volume.

The new product has been applied with the "fourth-generation dual inverter heat pump technology," which is dried from start to finish with 100 percent low temperature dehumidification without the help of heaters that make hot winds.

The differentiated customer value of the Truce team, which can only be experienced in the Trom dryer, is recognized by premium customers, said Ryu Jae-chul, vice president of the Living Appliance business division at LG Electronics' H&A division.