Dior and Chanel are also making masks against corona virus
Luxury brand factories, which would have made new bags and clothing in the spring, have been turned into factories that make masks and medical gowns. Luxury brands seem to have rolled up their sleeves as the coronavirus spread in Europe and the U.S.
Artisans are working on masks at the workshop in Leedong, France, where Dior was making its brand Baby Dior. Photo Dior
French luxury brand Dior posted on its social media account on Wednesday that its Atelier tailors were participating in the mask production process. The production of the mask, which began at the Baby Dior workshop in Leedong, France, was known for Dior's voluntary participation in overcoming the Korona crisis. In the post, Dior "manufactures masks for the precious people who work altruistically on the front for the time being." As of Tuesday, 57,780 confirmed patients were confirmed in France and 4,043 were killed. The shortage of medical supplies is becoming a reality as the number of patients increases at a rapid pace.
The Dior workshop, which had been closed due to the spread of the Korona19 virus, opened again on the 31st and started making masks. Photo Dior
French brand Chanel also said Tuesday that it will start production to facilitate the supply of masks in France. According to Reuters and other foreign media, Chanel has produced a prototype of the mask and is waiting for approval from French authorities. Currently, about 40 million masks are consumed per week in France.
Giorgio Armani produces medical work clothes at every factory in Italy. Photo Giorgio Armani Official Instagram
Italian designer Giorgio Armani, whose situation is the most serious in Europe, produces disposable medical work clothes at every factory in his country. "All of Armani's Italian production plants have temporarily switched facilities to produce disposable medical work suits for health workers," Giorgio Armani said on its SNS account on May 31. Another Italian brand Prada has also started making masks. On Sunday, Prada said in an official statement that it will produce 110,000 masks and 80,000 medical work suits at its plant in Montone, Italy, by April 6. As of Tuesday, 115,574 confirmed deaths were confirmed in Corona19 Italy and 13,155.
Kering Group, which owns a number of luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and the local city of Gucci and Saint Laurent, has also started supplying masks. LVMH has used its global distribution network to win deals with Chinese producers. Starting from the last week of March, the company will make at least 40 million masks and donate them for free over the next few weeks. The Kering Group said on Sunday that its brand Saint Laurent factory located in Paris and Angje, France, and Valencia have begun manufacturing masks and will all donate them to France. The Italian brand Gucci, which belongs to Kering and is an Italian brand, promised to "produce 1.1 million surgical masks and 55,000 protective clothing and donate them to Italian medical workers."
Bulgari will make hand sanitizer and donate it to Italy. Photovoltaic Official Instagram
Bulgari, an Italian jewelry, watch and perfume brand, has started producing hand sanitizer. Using production lines that used to make high-end perfumes, the company plans to make hundreds of thousands of hand sanitizers and donate them to Italy. Earlier in the day, LVMH said on its SNS that it will make and provide hand sanitizer at a perfume and cosmetics manufacturing facility in the city of Dior‧Gel랑 and Gel랑. The hand sanitizer made by LVMH has been distributed free of charge to public hospitals in Paris through French health authorities every day since April 23.
Hand sanitizer made from the perfume and cosmetics production lines of the LVMH brand Dior, Gelang and local cities. Photo LVMH Official Instagram
In the U.S., where Korona19's proliferation tax is serious, clothing brand Brooks Brothers has stepped up. "Our plants in New York, North Carolina and Massachusetts will produce up to 150,000 masks a day and provide them to national hospitals," said Claudio del Becchio, CEO of Brooks Brothers, on its social media on Monday. Medical gowns are also scheduled to be produced. Under Armour, another U.S. sportswear brand, produces masks, face shields, penny packs and medical gowns for 28,000 workers at Maryland's medical institution where the factory is located. As of Tuesday, 216,722 confirmed U.S. Corona19 cases were confirmed.
Under Armour produces and supports masks and face shields at its plant in Maryland in the eastern U.S. Photo Under Armour Official Instagram